Kiverco News

Kiverco chosen by Averda for prestigious project on the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia

Kiverco has been chosen to design, build and install a waste recycling plant that will help recycle all construction waste from the highly acclaimed The Red Sea Project in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


German Company Create a New Product With Kiverco Recycling Plant

Like many waste processing companies throughout Europe, German company, Recycling Park Dorndorf Gmbh (RPD GmbH), were faced with some challenges due to the introduction of new legislation. They reacted by changing their technology to improve quality, ensuring their products would be of an acceptable standard for export and resale. This was achieved through the installation of a Kiverco recycling plant, where they were also able to increase capacity and the add a new fines product to their range, thereby increasing their profits.


Skip Hire Company Powers Through Waste

A Norfolk-based skip hire company has chosen Finlay Plant Southern as its trusted partner to deliver a highly productive and convenient mobile waste recovery solution to power through volumes of material on site.


New for Old for Henshaws

A Cheshire- based waste management company has opted for Kiverco plant since the appointment of the Finlay Group as a licensed hirer. Henshaws of Macclesfields has specified the Kiverco PS122 Picking Station for their 16-acre site along with a Terex Finlay 883+ heavy duty screener.

Friday, 02 November Case Studies, Customer News

Streamlining Processes to Build an Efficient Waste Business

Westminster Waste, based in the heart of London, have carried out major upgrades of their processing plant this year, in partnership with recycling plant builder, Kiverco. As an innovative and fast-moving company, one of their key objectives is zero waste to landfill. The recent upgrades have not only helped achieve this but also enabled them to create a more streamlined and efficient plant that produces high-quality end-products.

Wednesday, 02 May Case Studies, Customer News

A Kiverco Recycling System That Grows with Your Business

Scrapco Metal Recycling, a family run business in Kent, has recently taken ownership of a new Kiverco waste recycling plant. Scrapco, which first started trading in scrap metal in 2006, has seen their more recent skip hire service grow rapidly. This meant that they required a new recycling system that would be flexible and could be adapted to accommodate further growth.

Tuesday, 06 March News, Case Studies, Customer News

Recycling Plants: Maximising Space to Process Waste More Efficiently

Having a small site doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t expand or find ways to make your waste recycling plant more efficient. Innovative solutions can be found to upgrade your existing processes without using up excess space in your yard or building, as storage space is often at a premium in most sites.